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Layman's report: project results in a nutshell

As the LIFE Lagoon Refresh project ended, a Layman's report was published. This bilingual (IT and ENG) report is for a "non-expert" audience and allows to know the project's objectives, actions and results in just a very few pages. It is easy to read, and has plenty of figures and illustrations depicting all the achievements of five years of project. The report starts with a very short description of the project, its objectives and conservative actions. Then it moves on to the main steps, such as the construction of hydraulic and morphological works, and finally it ends with a description of obtained results, such a saline gradient restoring, reedbed and submerged vegetation development, as well as  avifauna and fish species repopulation. The Layman's report also concludes with a description of the several phases of the project’s replicability and transferability actions to other Italian and European sites, and it also includes an overview of actions aimed at the communication and dissemination of results to the public.

Please, download the Layman's report here or check it out the Download section of this website.