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You are here:HomeCurrent activitiesE - DisseminationAfter-LIFE: LIFE Lagoon Refresh at the international conference on “Conservation and management of wetlands to tackle climate change

After-LIFE: LIFE Lagoon Refresh at the international conference on “Conservation and management of wetlands to tackle climate change

The international conference on "Conservation and management of wetlands in the face of climate change" was held in Valencia (Spain) from 14 to 16 February 2024, and it was such a new opportunity to disseminate the LIFE Lagoon Refresh project. The Veneto Region, one of the Project’s partner, illustrated the experience of LIFE Lagoon Refresh, as well as the objectives, actions and results, in the section on "Governance and social management". The conference ended with a visit to the Natural Park in Albufera, whose lagoon was selected by the call for interest as one of the European sites for the transferability and replicability of the project