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Life Lagoon Refresh presented at the LIFE CONVIVE Seminar

On 25-26 October 2018, the seminar  “GESTIÓN Y MANEJO DE HUMEDALES COSTEROS EN EL MARCO DE PROYECTOS LIFE” organized by LIFE CONVIVE, was held in Soano (Arnuero, Cantabria, Spain).  The organizers from SEO/Bird LIFE kindly invited our Project Leader (dr. Rossella Boscolo Brusà, ISPRA) to perform an oral presentation entitled “Coastal lagoon habitat and species recovery by restoring the salt gradient increasing fresh water input”, describing the LIFE LAGOON REFRESH aims, objectives and actions.

During the seminar, several LIFE projects regarding wetlands were depicted by delegates from LIFE PALUDICOLA, LIFE ANILLO VERDE, LIFE MIERALIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM,LIFE ALBUFERA and obviously LIFE CONVIVE, the masters of the house.

For the occasion, LIFE CONVIVE also presented the Management Plan for the coastal lagoons of Tinamenor, Joyel and Victoria.
Interesting insights emerged during the Round Table "Will coastal wetlands survive without management 

A field visit to Joyel Marshes and the Victoria Lagoon completed the seminar. Thank to that participants could observe the actions implemented by the LIFE CONVIVE project to improve the conservation of these Natura 2000 sites.


Gracias de nuevo por la invitación y la maravillosa oportunidad de Networking!

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