Celebrations of the 30th birday of LIFE programme and Natura 2000 Network with High School Students from Chioggia (Venice)
Events of LIFE Lagoon Refresh continue to celebrate the 30th birthday of both LIFE programme and Natura 2000 Network. This time, LIFE Lagoon Refresh’s staff brought, in the project area, High School Students coming from Chioggia and winners of the ISPRA call for PCTO 2021-2023.
After a series of classroom lessons dealing with transitional waters, monitoring of lagoon environment, as well as objectives and actions of LIFE Lagoon Refresh, students could actually see hydraulic and morphological works, but also try to be scientists for a day. Indeed, they sampled macrozoobenthos, mapped reedbed and assessed the salinity of water.
We hope they enjoyed the day and we are looking forward to seeing them as partners of future LIFE projects.