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LIFE AGREE – coAstal laGoon long teRm management

LIFE13 NAT/IT/000115
Casellato Domenico
Tel. +39 0532 299419
Graziano Caramori
Tel. +39 3397291503



LIFE CONVIVE - Integration of the human activity in the preservation objectives of the Natura 2000 network of the Cantabrian coast

LIFE14 NAT/ES/001213
Project LIFE CONVIVE, seeking the integration of human activity in the preservation objectives of the Natura 2000 network of the Cantabrian coast (LIFE-CONVIVE), aims at facing the issues of integration of human activities in the preservation objectives of the Natura 2000 network at the estuaries of Cantabria by way of implementing environmental recovery and citizen awareness programs to show the value of such systems.

Project LIFE-CONVIVE (2015-2019) has been allocated a budget of € 1,325.680. 60% of the funding has been contributed by program LIFE, the European Union funding instrument that is exclusively devoted to the environment.

This project has been promoted by the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental of the University of Cantabria through its committee (FIHAC) and it is the beneficiary entity coordinating the project. Other beneficiary partners are the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Government of Cantabria; the Town Council of Arnuero; construction company Constructora Obras Públicas San Emeterio S.A.; the Spanish Ornitholoy Society SEO/BirdLife.

Estuaries are systems of high biologic and socio-economic significance that are subject to strong anthropogenic pressures. Amongst the main pressures that threaten their high environmental and preservation values are the hydrodinamic changes of areas that are isolated due to the presence of dams, which have been created either with the purpose of gaining space to the sea or to exploit natural resources, sewage spillage, environmental eutrophication and the presence of non-native species.

In order to achieve the global target of this project, a set of measures has been established with the following purposes:

  • Restore the good conservation status of the habitats by eliminating non-native species which transform the environment, as well as replenishing the hydrodynamic condition by partially or fully opening dams at the estuaries of the Natura 2000 network of Cantabria.
  • Reduce human impact by supressing the existing pressures (proliferation of opportunistic algae, reduction of the contaminating content of spills) and development of biodiversity management plans at the coastal lagoons of Cantabria.
  • Improve the conservation status of habitats that are significant for sea bird species along the coast covered by the Natura 2000 network of Cantabria, by designing flood management plans for certain coastal lagoons.
  • Raise awareness in the main users of estuary systems (company owners, tourists, administrations, shell fishermen, etc.) on the high natural value and the goods and services delivered by the estuary by means of disseminating information on its values, technical congresses and work groups.
  • Optimise future recovery plans of action by dissemination of the results of the project and the generation of specific documents on its effects, as well as following up each plan of action.

Tel. +034 942 20 16 16



LIFE REDUNE - Restoration of dune habitats in Natura 2000 sites of the Veneto coast

LIFE16 NAT/IT/000589
Gabriella Buffa
Tel. +39 0412347738


LIFE SEPOSSO - Supporting Environmental governance for POSidonia oceanica Sustainable transplating Operations

LIFE16 GIE/IT/000761
Tiziano Bacci (ISPRA)
Tel. +39 06 50074783
Barbara La Porta (ISPRA)
Tel. +39 06 50073298


LIFE Sic2Sic - In bici attraverso la Rete Natura 2000 italiana

LIFE16 GIE/IT/000700 
Matteo Lener 
Tel. +39 0650074111



LIFE SILIFFE - River functionality index as planning instrument for a good governance of Siles ecosystem

LIFE 14 NAT/IT/000809
Dott. Stefano Bucci
Dott. Renzo Stecchina

Tel. +39 0422 321994
Dott.ssa Lisa Causin
Tel. +39 041 2795674


LIFE SERESTO - Habitat 1150* (Coastal Lagoon) recovery by SEagrass RESTOration. A new strategic approach to meet HD & WFD objectives

LIFE12 NAT/IT/00031
Adriano Sfriso
Tel. +39 041.2348529



CHANGE WE CARE - Climate challenges on coastal and transitional changing areas: weaving a cross Adriatic response
Interreg Italy - Croatia CBC Programme 2014-2020
Davide Bonaldo

Tel. +39 041 2407952


LIFE PRIMED - Restoration, management and valorisation of PRIority habitats of MEDiterranean coastal areas

Project co-financed by the European Commission under the LIFE programme. The main aim of LIFE PRIMED is to improve the conservation status of habitats and species in the Nestos Delta (SCI GR1150010) and Palo Laziale woods (SCIIT6030022), Natura 2000 sites in Greece and Italy, respectively. Both the areas area featured by transitional small wetlands and coastal forests among the most degraded and threatened ecosystems in the EU.


Target Habitat types

  • 91E0* - "Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)"
  • 91M0 - Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak-sessile oak forests
  • 3170* - Mediterranean temporary ponds
  • 5230* - Arborescent matorral with Laurus nobilis


Target species

  • Emys orbicularis
  • Euplagia quadripunctaria  
  • Eurotestudo hermanni 

Phasianus colchicus colchicus 
Christos Georgiadis 
Vito Emanuele Cambria 

Tel. +302103224944


LIFE FORESTALL – Restoration of Alluvial Forests and Cladium mariscus habitats in Ramsar and Natura 2000 sites

LIFE18 NAT/IT/001020

LIFE FORESTALL has received funding from the European Union's Programme for the Environment and Climate Change (LIFE). The project has, as its main objective, the restoration and conservation of habitats 7210* Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae and 91E0* Alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior, both priority according to the Habitat Directive (1992/43/EEC). The project area is the WWF Oasis of Valle Averto located within two Natura 2000 sites and within a site included in the list of “Wetlands of International Importance” according to the Ramsar Convention. The dredging of selected sectors of the existing channel network and the installation of new locks has been foreseen in order to improve the water quality and allow the regulation of the water levels, to guarantee the optimal conditions for resting and feeding of the birds during the winter and the migration period and to encourage the natural expansion of the project habitats. LIFE FORESTALL project also aims to contain some invasive exotic species such as tree and shrub plants Robinia pseudoacacia and Baccharis halimifolia and Silurus glanis (Wels catfish).

The project, coordinated by CORILA, Consortium for coordination of research activities concerning the Venice lagoon system, is carried out in partnership with SELC soc. coop.,WWF Oasi soc. Unipers. s.r.l., Provveditorato Interregionale per le Opere Pubbliche per il Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Cooperativa Sociale Primavera Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS.

Meggiato Alessandro

Tel. +39 041 2402588