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You are here:HomeCurrent activitiesE - DisseminationAfter-LIFE: LIFE Lagoon Refresh as a case study at the 5th BioClim 2023 and for ENCA Recommendations 2023 about Restoring Riverine and Coastal Wetlands in Europe

After-LIFE: LIFE Lagoon Refresh as a case study at the 5th BioClim 2023 and for ENCA Recommendations 2023 about Restoring Riverine and Coastal Wetlands in Europe

As expected by the After-LIFE Conservation Plan , participations in national and international conferences, workshops and seminars have continued. Indeed, the LIFE Lagoon Refresh project was presented as a case study to the "5th European conference on biodiversity and climate change: riverine and coastal wetlands" (5th BioClim) held from 26 to 28 September 2023 in Bonn, Germany. The conference has organized since 2011 by BfN (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation) in cooperation with the Network of European National Conservation Agencies (ENCA Network) and Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. The priority topics of 2023 were about conservation and restoration of riverine and coastal wetlands, and they were discussed and further developed with European experts from science, politics and practise during interactive workshops.  In this context, conservation actions for restoring coastal lagoon habitats of the LIFE Lagoon Refresh were presented giving several experiences and a good background for ENCA Recommendations 2023 titled “Restoring Riverine and Coastal Wetlands in Europe, Scaling Up Action for Biodiversity and Climate”.