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You are here:HomeNewsThe LIFE Lagoon Refresh celebrates the 30th anniversary of the European Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE programme

The LIFE Lagoon Refresh celebrates the 30th anniversary of the European Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE programme


To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the European Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE programme (both born on 21st of May 1992), LIFE Lagoon Refresh was introduced during the event organized in collaboration with the University of Padua on 9th and 11th of May 2022. The activities included a seminar and a field trip with students of the Master’s Degree in Marine Biology coming from all around the world.  Researchers form ISPRA explained the activities carried out for the restoration of the lagoon: hydraulic  and morphological works, transplants of reedbed and aquatic phanerogams, as well as monitoring activities  to assess the achievement of projects’ objectives

We would like to thank organizers and students for their considerable interest, really appreciation and positive feedbacks!