Monitoring of avifauna after starting fresh water flow
Following the end of the hydraulic work and the starting of fresh water flow into the lagoon on 20th May, the monitoring activities of the project Life Lagoon Refresh have started again. All the monitoring activities of the coastal lagoon habitat, the halophytic habitats and the target bird species are proceeding with the aim of obtaining data and information useful for the verification of project objectives.
ISPRA birdlife experts have therefore resumed their monitoring activities from June 2020, to verify immediately the effects of the interventions on the area. Complete results on the repopulation of the species of birds of Community interest will be achieved at the end of the monitoring activities. However, experts have already heard one of the target species of the project, the Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), hidden among the branches of the reedbed, near the structure for fresh water intake from Sile River. They also reported about Pygmy Cormorans (Microcarbo pygmaeus) cleaning their plumage in the lagoon side at the intake point of fresh water, and even about young Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) feeding between the new morphological structures.