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You are here:HomeNewsThe First results of Bird Monitoring at the 20th Italian Ornithology Conference

The First results of Bird Monitoring at the 20th Italian Ornithology Conference

From 26th to 29th of September 2019 the avifauna experts from ISPRA Ozzano presented the results of the ante operam monitoring phase of the project Life Lagoon Refresh to the XX CIO (Italian Ornithology Conference) held in Naples, at the National Society of Sciences, Letters and Arts, the Royal Mineralogical Museum, the Society of Naturalists and the beautiful monumental complex of Donnaregina.

The conference, organized by CISO, Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici, and by Ardea onlus, saw the participation of 230 registered ornithologists, coming from all over Italy and foreigners, curious and professionals.The conference was characterized by 3 lectio magistralis of authoritative international researchers, numerous high-level talks, as many symposia and round tables on the world of ornithology at 360 degrees. LIFE Lagoon Refresh was present at all three intense days of activity, also presenting a scientific contribution (downloadable here) in which the mission of the project, the objectives and, as regards birds, the target species and the first analysis of the data collected during the initial year of the project (2018) were explained.

For the first year of ante operam monitoring, there are more than 6000 records registered in 12 exits, among which 5400 are aquatic birds. There are 79 contacted species, of which 40 species belonging to the aquatic group: 16 species in Annex I to the Birds Directive, contacted at least once during exits, 7 target species for the project for both water birds and reed sparrows.