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The Documentary of the project is On line


The Life Lagoon Refresh project is almost finished and, during these five years, the Videogallery has been enriched of several videos telling about each one of the most relevant steps of the project.

The launching video has been on-line since November 2018, since July 2020, the video showing the activities for the hydraulic and morphological works has been online, since May 2021, it has been available that one about stakeholders involvement, and since February 2022 that one depicting monitoring activities to assess the impact of the interventions on the lagoon environment.

With the conclusion of the project, we realized the two final videos of the series, a short and a full documentary respectively. This last video reports the shoots and interviews of the entire project history, starting from the background focusing on issues in the Venice Lagoon, the realized conservation actions and results that the project has obtained up today, such as the first positive ecological responses of vegetation and fauna in the Lagoon.

The full playlist is available on the videogallery, following this link: