Sixth and last monitoring visit from European Commission
During the Final Conference, there was the sixth and last visit from the external Monitor, Michele Lischi, designated by the European Commission from the Staff LIFE NAT Monitoring Team of NEEMO.
On 7th July 2022, the Monitor attended the oral presentations about results obtained by the project for each action. On the day after, in the morning, during the inspection in the LIFE Lagoon Refresh area, the Monitor was able to visit the project on field. Technicians involved in lagoon environmental issues joined the field trip, too. In the afternoon, he could finally check and verify, as usually, all the technical and administrative tasks, too.
Also in this occasion, the monitoring visit was useful to get advice on how to proceed to complete the last duties and to better manage the phase of After LIFE.
We would like to thank all NEEMO Monitors, who have followed our project for these five years, for their willingness and competence.