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You are here:HomeCurrent activitiesE - DisseminationNEWSLETTER n.7 LIFE LAGOON REFRESH



The seventh Newsletter is now available on the web site in the section  Download-newsletter (Italian Language only). The Newsletters provides several sections concerning planning of works and their realization, monitoring and dissemination activities, and networking with updates after the Newsletter no. 6 (published in March 2022) until today.

This issue is dedicated to the first signals received by fish fauna, and there is also a section dedicated to the description of the European sites, winners of the Call for Interest for the transferability and replicability of the project.

All Newsletters contain also a detailed section in the final part, describing different issues related to the project. Previous newsletters dealt with Habitat 1150*- Coastal Lagoon, reedbed, historical diversion of rivers from the Venice lagoon, aquatic phanerogams, project target bird species and target bird species of reedbed. This brand new issue depicts fish fauna species, such as Black-spotted goby, European Flounder and Mullets.