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You are here:HomeCurrent activitiesD - MonitoringMonitoring of the Habitat (1150*) Coastal lagoon after starting fresh water flow

Monitoring of the Habitat (1150*) Coastal lagoon after starting fresh water flow

Following the end of the morphologic and hydraulic works, and the starting of fresh water flow into the lagoon on 20th May, the monitoring activities of the project Life Lagoon Refresh have started again. All the monitoring activities of the coastal lagoon habitat, the halophytic habitats and the target bird species are proceeding with the aim of obtaining data and information useful for the verification of project objectives.

Some of the activities planned for monitoring the Coastal Lagoons habitat (1150*) have never been interrupted, in particular, the activities related to the control of salinity and the status of biological communities, such as macrophytes and macrozoobenthos, continued during conservation actions. In June 2020, instead, the monitoring of water and sediment, biodiversity and ecological status of fishing communities and species of commercial interest restarted. ISPRA and Ca' Foscari University of Venice will continue with field activities until 2021. Meanwhile in the laboratories, researchers and technicians of the two Research Institutes are already analysing the first samples collected to verify the values of the chemical-physical parameters of water. The salinity data are monitored daily to verify the diffusion of fresh water into the lagoon. Finally, new updates on the status of the Lagoon Habitat will be provided after the ongoing reed transplants.